Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submission DeadlineJune 30th 12:00am (CST)

Important Notice

AOS2024 will be held as an onsite congress in Xi 'an China from November 15-17, 2024.

Please be noted that presenters are required to be present at the venue on the day of their presentation. Otherwise, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the program.


Abstract Requirements

Total number of characters for Abstract TitleWithin 150 characters including spaces

Total number of characters for Abstract BodyWithin 2,000 characters including spaces

Total number of AuthorsUp to 20 authors(including the first author and co-authors)

Total number of InstitutionsUp to 20 institutions

1)All abstracts are required to be written in clear English.

2)All abstracts must be submitted online through the AOS2024 official website.

3)The abstract body/text should be structured into the 4 sections: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions.

4)Ensure that your abstract is grammatically correct and free of typographical errors.

5)Same abstracts submitted for CCHIO2024 cannot be submitted for AOS2024 (vice versa).



1.Integrative Medicine in Oncology: Current Trends and Future Challenges

2.Bridging the Gap: Basic Immuno-oncology Research Clinical Practice

3.Targeted Therapies and Exploration of Resistance Mechanisms

4.Tumor Microenvironment with Tumor Progression and Treatment

5.Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Cancer Prevention, Early Detection, and Prognostic Assessment

6.Advances in Multi-omics Profiling for Diagnosis and Personalized Cancer Treatment

7.Emerging Cancer Therapies: CAR-T Cell Therapy and Novel Modalities

8.Liquid Biopsy and Role in Real-time Monitoring of Tumor Evolution

9.Cancer Epigenetics: New Targets and Biomarkers for Improved Treatment

10.Nutritional and Lifestyle Interventions in Cancer Prevention and Survivorship

11.Clinical Implementation of Novel Drug

12.Psychosocial Support and Quality of Life Improvement in Cancer Patients

13.Regional Cancer Epidemiology in Asia and Strategies for Control and Prevention

14.Cancer Health Disparities in Asia and Innovative Approaches

15.Clinical Trial Design and Implementation: Advancing Innovation and Efficiency in Oncology Research


Outcome notifications

The program committee will make the final decision on the acceptance of abstracts. Outcome notifications are expected to be made available by e-mail to first authors and submitters at Early August.


Presentation and publication of accepted abstracts

The scientific committee will select outstanding papers from all submissions for oral presentations or poster presentations based on the following possibilities:

AOS Best Abstracts Session – Oral presentations by authors presenting cutting-edge and significant clinical practice-changing studies, followed by expert discussion and perspectives.

AOS Poster– Display session for review, discussion and questions. The presenting authors must be available for Q&A to represent their work.


Copyright of Accepted Abstracts

The copyright of all accepted abstracts will be transferred to AOS.


Withdrawal of Abstracts

If the presenting author of an accepted abstract does not register by the registration date or does not present at the presentation date, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the program.


Online Abstract Submission System

Click the “Abstract Submission” button to newly start your abstract submission.

You can edit the submitted abstract from the “Edit the Submitted Abstract” button anytime until the submission period is over.

Please note in advance that you will not be able to save the data in middle of the submission procedure.
